ECS™ Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems are the preferred fire suppression solution for facilities that cannot afford the downtime associated with a fire or typical water-based fire suppression systems. Clean Agent systems extinguish a fire quickly by breaking down the molecular structure of the fire. The suppression agents do not harm the equipment or personnel in the protected room or cause a mess to clean up afterwards.
ECS™ Clean Agents offer rapid fire extinguishment, suppressing fires within seconds of the agent being discharged into the protected area. The agents are ventilated out of the space and do not leave behind a residue to be cleaned up, allowing your facility to get back to work immediately.
ECS™ Clean Agents are non-toxic when used in compliance with NFPA Standard 2001. They do not impair breathing or obscure vision in an emergency situation, providing an added measure of safety for personnel.
Clean Agent Characteristics Defined by NFPA 2001
- They are volatile, non-conductive gases.
- They leave behind no residue of any kind.
- They are safe for use in occupied areas when properly designed.
- They are environmentally acceptable to the EPA.
ECS Clean Agents Offered by Kidde Fire Systems
- HFC-227ea (FM-200)
- 3M™ Novec™ Fire Protection Fluid
- FE-13™
Typical Applications Protected by an ECS Clean Agent System:
- Data Processing Centers
- Process Control Rooms
- Clean Manufacturing Facilities
- Bank Vaults
- Simulators
- Battery Backup Rooms
- Document Storage
- Hazards up to 30,000 cubic feet (850 cubic meters
Integrated ECS Clean Agent System Components:
- Control Unit
- Smoke Detection
- Heat Detection
- Suppression Cylinders
- Notification Devices
- Manual Pull Stations
Kidde Fires SystemsClean Agents
- HFC-227ea (FM-200)
- FE-13™
- 3M™ Novec™ 1230
Fire Protection Fluid Approvals & Listings
- UL Listed
- EPA Listed
- FM Approved
- USCG Approved
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